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2022 wow! what a year.

Not only did we all finally rear our heads out of the COVID hangover, but the world got firing on all cylinders!

From Resvu’s perspective, 2022 has been our best year yet! Why? Because we listened the most we have ever listened and as a result, learnt the most we have ever learnt.
2022 wasn’t entirely smooth sailing. The team at large dealt with some of the most challenging times the Resvu platform has had yet. As a result of rapid growth and industry requirements. As a team, we banded together, with a core focus on delivering great outcomes for our partners. We learnt that it takes time and patience to build a product that meets the needs of the industry and our partners.

In addition to the amazing teamwork and cultural growth, we implemented meaningful company values that have set a standard for how the team wishes to work. As a business we fully intend to live by these values, and continue to reward all team members that do the same.

Whilst 2022 presented some bumpy periods around cultural and values misalignment, as a wider team we maintained a standing around these values and as a result will be finishing the calendar year in the most efficient and happy state the company has ever been in. Knowing what this powerful mindset will allow us to deliver  in 2023 is beyond exciting and an amazing opportunity for all team members.

2022 – the year of milestones!

  1. Grew our dedicated team from 14 to 20 to support our growing partner base here in Australia

  2. Achieved SOC 2 Type I compliance. And commenced Type II ensuring the highest standard of privacy and security for our partners

  3. Released our custom form builder to improve resident request workflows

  4. Focused our product goals wholly around management company efficiency improvements

  5. Relocated to our new office to accommodate the growing team

  6. 70% growth in strata management partners implementing Resvu to deliver industry leading service

  7. 90% Growth in active user base over 12 months and 350% over 18 months!

  8. Implemented our new company values based on full company collaboration

  9. Raised over $3.5M in Capital to fund future growth of the team and product

  10. Launched in the USA which consequently will deliver long term benefits for our AUS partners

2022 was Resvu’s most successful year yet! Finishing on such a high across product, team, culture and growth. Is a testament to the efforts by each and every one of the Resvu team members and partners who showed outstanding support throughout the year. Knowing how we have finished 2022, we couldn’t be more excited to deliver further enhancements and new features. Looking forward to seeing our partners benefit from huge management efficiency improvements. But most importantly, improved management wellbeing. 

Have a wonderful Christmas with your family and friends. We couldn’t be more excited for 2023, but in the meantime, holiday time! 🎄

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