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Congratulations on celebrating your anniversary Jarrad! How long have you been at Resvu?

1 year and 18 days exactly at time of writing.

If you had a Resvu highlight reel, what would be at the top?

Well, it’s hard for someone that is so humble to list their greatest achievements. Especially because there are so many. The thing about my time at Resvu is the team has made so easy to accomplish great things. No achievement has been on my own. We’re always together as a team which is one of the things I love about working here.

If I had to choose, i’d pick creating the onboarding process for new customers. Now that there’s a solid process in place, it’s made it significantly easier for the team. As well as a great experience for the customer.
Another project that i’m quite proud of is the training content that I have created with my team. This allows the customer to access a huge range of resources whenever they need. Empowering them to self service. Improving the support experience and better yet – bringing valuable time back to the team!

Since starting at Resvu, what cool new skills have you developed?

I consider myself a jack of all trades, master of none. But in saying that, i’ve had the opportunity to refine a whole bunch of my skills. Especially being within the start-up environment, we’re navigating through uncharted territory quite often. And it’s definitely allowed me to “wear more hats, flex more muscles“. It’s a super dynamic and exciting role, no two days are really the same.

But in saying that, one of the new-ish skills i’ve picked up is the software HubSpot. Creating templates for new staff coming on board, has been great. As well as scalable ideas that are dynamic and forever changing, ready to for scaling!

Obviously, we’re a truly flexible environment. So WFH is pretty common. When you DO come into the office, what’s your favourite part?

The food. Obviously. A pork noodle bowl (hold the noodles) from Mrs Mai. And the awesome snacks we have around the office. Or one of our very frequent team lunches.

No but seriously, our management is amazing at picking genuinely great team members. You spend the majority of your week surrounded by your coworkers. Everyone in the team is so likeable and I often find myself looking forward to coming into work to see them!
Also getting lunch with them, we all love food just as much as eachother.

Work life balance is at the core of Resvu, how do they genuinely promote this?

I’ve had chronic back pain for a while, which limits what I can do. But, i’ve had overwhelming support from Resvu in managing this.

I’m able to attend physio appointments, even exercise and rehab during work hours. This makes it all a bit more manageable, instead of having to work in pain all day and cram it into my evenings when i’d rather spend time with loved ones. I’m really encouraged to take care of myself with my flexible work hours.

The support i’ve received from Resvu has not only improved my working life, but also my personal life.

Anything else you’d like to add?

I think that one of the major things that sets Resvu apart is that everyone can voice their opinions and ideas without any fear of negative feedback. Even if opinions differ and we go with a different option, it’s all constructive and we work together to find a solution that we’re all happy with. There’s no fear of embarrassment, which is something probably everyone has experienced. The mutual respect for each other is the Resvu difference.

Thanks Jarrad for your year of great work, we’ve loved having you on the team! 🎉

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