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What impact has a pandemic had on customer service delivery?

As with most industries and sectors, the recent events of 2020, in particular remote work, have shown us just how important digital technology has become. We’ve found being able to quickly communicate and source feedback from residents is now a key priority for most strata companies. The end result of better communication however is improved service delivery and reduced phone calls & emails, so it’s a win for all.

What are some benefits one could expect to see?

The most significant and immediate improvements companies will experience are proactive communication channels, tracking of tasks through the company and end to end maintenance management tools that automatically update the requesting party on the status of the work, significantly minimising back and forward follow-ups. In addition, the engagement and community building aspects that digital platforms provide, drive a greater competitive advantage.

ResVu strata management software Maintenance Request interface

Have you seen any examples of this first hand?

One that comes to mind was a recent customer’s comments around the improved efficiency of maintenance request management. With an end to end digital maintenance platform, you’re able to automatically update all key stakeholders throughout the journey from submission to completion of the work.

In this case, the contractor received the work order from the strata manager (via the residents’ request) and the contractor was able to update the work order status in real-time so that all parties, including the resident, were up to date on the status of the works. Not one phone call or email enquiry was made requesting an update on the works because all parties were constantly updated.

What future changes can we expect to see in five years time?

With around two-thirds of strata companies planning to increase investment in customer service technology, we are sure to see a big push towards front-end resident service delivery. Mobile technology will become commonplace and almost expected as a standard tool from residents. I’m excited to see the improved efficiencies take place so that strata managers can get some time back in their days all whilst managing a happier client!

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